Cumberland Foot & Ankle Centers of Kentucky

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Consequences of Claw Toe

Claw foot, also known as claw toes, is a condition where your toes bend into a claw-like position. When you have claw foot or claw toes, the bottom half of your toe points up while the top half bends down. They are uncomfortable, but usually not a serious problem unless they are caused by an underlying disorder like stroke or diabetes. They also might hurt, and you may develop corns or calluses on the part that sticks up from rubbing against your shoes. If you suspect you have claw foot or claw toes, make an appointment with one of our doctors at Cumberland Foot and Ankle Center right away.

People often blame this common foot deformity on wearing shoes that squeeze your toes. However, claw toe is often the result of nerve damage caused by diseases like diabetes or alcoholism, which can weaken the muscles in your foot. Having claw toe means your toes “claw,” digging down into the soles of your shoes and creating painful calluses. The condition can only get worse without treatment and risks becoming a permanent deformity over time.

To learn more about the conditions we treat and the services we provide at our office, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists at Cumberland Foot and Ankle Center in Somerset, KY, call 606-679-2773.

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